Robberies increase in the Ecuadorian capital

Calderón, Iñaquito, Centro Histórico, Quitumbe and Mariscal Sucre are the parishes with the most robberies in the capital

The first half of the previous year registered 11,286 robberies, while, until June of this year, 8,735 were registered.

The thieves found new ways to carry out robberies during the health emergency. According to the affected people, criminals take advantage of the use of the mask, which makes it impossible to recognize their face.

Until today, August 24, 2020, the 5 parishes of the capital most affected by the robberies are: Calderón and Iñaquito in the north; Historic Center and Mariscal Sucre in the center of the city and Quitumbe in the south.

According to figures from the ECU-911, the number of robberies decreased in the first half of 2020, compared to 2019. In this half of the year 8,735 robberies were registered, while in 2019 the numbers rose to 11,286.

The type of theft that is most recorded is that which occurs to people on public roads. The figures decreased from 4,814 to 3,412; however, their numbers remain high.

The neighborhoods of the capital have community chats to provide help or communicate directly with the police, since the robberies, several times, ended with people injured and in other cases killed.

The National Police report that they need more troops, since the Capital has 6,000 uniformed men; However, 1,200 are out of service due to preventive quarantine or are suffering from coronavirus.

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