Study reveals that MAS leads voting intention in Bolivia

Courtesy of Bolivian Presidency/Handout via Reuters.

The MAS would win at least 18 senators out of a total of 36, although it has the possibility of reaching an even greater presence.

The Bolivian party Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) would obtain 50 percent or more of the seats in the Upper House in the general elections on October 18, indicates a socio-political study released this Monday in that South American nation.

According to a national survey carried out by the research company Ciesmori, the MAS would win at least 18 senators out of a total of 36, although it has the possibility of reaching an even greater presence.

MAS would reach top places in the departments of Pando, La Paz, Cochabamba, Potosí, Oruro and Tarija, while the Citizen Community party led by Carlos Mesa would win in Chuquisaca, the de facto president Jeanine Añez would win in Beni and Fernando Camacho would only succeed in Santa Cruz.

Ceismori was also interested in the voting intention of the respondents. In that sense, he identified that, if the undecided and those who do not say who they will vote for are eliminated from the result, the MAS candidate, Luis Arce, has 37.3 percent of the intention of votes and would be placed at 2.8 percent to win in the first round.

Next would be Mesa, with 24.2 percent of the votes, Áñez with 14.4 percent and Fernando Camacho with 12.4 percent.

If the undecided, who represent 32 percent of the sample studied, are taken into account, Arce would obtain 26.2 percent of the intention to vote, followed by Mesa with 17.1 percent, Áñez with 10, 4 percent and Camacho with 6.9 percent.

With respect to the poll conducted by Ciesmori last March, Arce fell 7.1 percent, Mesa fell 1.1 percent and Áñez fell 6.5 percent. The recent study was conducted between August 26 and September 3, and shows it consisted of 2.343 people.

Source: Telesur

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