Evo Morales supports former President Rafael Correa

Two judicial rulings almost simultaneously prohibit the former presidents of Bolivia and Ecuador from appearing in the next electoral elections and the networks denounce the repeated formula against progressive projects in the region: lawfare.

The former president of Bolivia Evo Morales said on social networks against the sentence against the former president of Ecuador Rafael Correa:

“The Ecuadorian justice hastens a sentence against brother Rafael Correa with the political objective of banning him as a candidate for the elections. They do not realize that it is impossible to outlaw the people ”he wrote on his twitter account.

In another judicial maneuver against popular political projects, as happened with Fernando Lugo, former president of Paraguay, Dilma Rousseff and Lula Da Silva, former presidents of Brazil, on Monday, September 7, both Evo Morales and Rafael Correa were politically banned in their countries and will not be able to participate in the next elections in their respective countries.

In Ecuador, the sentence against Rafael Correa, who resides in Belgium, was confirmed, the sentence of eight years in prison and 25 years disqualification from holding public office for alleged cases of corruption.

In Bolivia, a constitutional court that added a magistrate at the last minute to break the legal tie (of 4 votes each), determined that Evo Morales is unable to run as a senator for the department of Cochabamba in the October 18 elections .

From Argentina, Evo repudiated the ruling in his networks, his personal accounts are the only way to claim the abuses he lives after suffering a coup in November 2019.

And the networks denounce lawfare

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