The decision was made due to the death of nine people.
From November 1 to 3, Indigenous peoples will be in mourning due to the nine dead during protests against economic measures announced by President Lenin Moreno, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) said.
In a statement, they inform: “in use of the legitimate constitutional right to resistance guaranteed by Article 98 of the Constitution, the following mates participated in the national mobilizations to revoke the Decree 883 and were killed by the State: Abelardo Vega Caizaguano, Raul Chilpe, Marco Humberto Otto Rivera, Jose Daniel Chaluisa Cuzco, Inocencio Tucumbi, Silvia Marlene Mera Navarrete, Edison Eduardo Mosquera Amagu, Gabriel Angulo Bone, Edgar Cesar Yucailla.
The Indigenous movement calls for the resignation of Maria Paula Romo as Government Minister and Oswaldo Jarrin as Defense Minister, due to «strong repression» during the demonstrations.
According to Government Ministry, there are only six people who died during the protests, which should be investigated to determine if there really was police repression.
Source: Pichincha Universal.
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