12 journalists have died with Covid-19 in Ecuador according to the Emblem of the Press Campaign

Worldwide 127 journalists have died with coronavirus

 At least 127 journalists have died with coronavirus in the past three months. Many of them were infected by covering the pandemic. Almost half of journalists have died in Latin America, the NGO Emblema de Prensa (PEC) reported today.

In Europe there are 23 deaths, 17 in Asia, 13 in North America and 12 in Africa, according to the organization. At least two thirds of these deaths were related to the journalistic activity of the deceased, the NGO said.

The actual number of communicators killed by the pandemic could be higher, since many cases were not recorded, says the Emblem of the Press Campaign.

In Latin America the deceased are classified as follows:

1.- Peru 15 dead journalists.

2.- Brazil and Mexico 13 deaths each.

3.- Ecuador and the United States, both with 12 deceased.

In Europe, the continent with the highest total deaths from COVID-19, the deaths of five journalists in Russia and others in the United Kingdom were confirmed, as well as three in Spain.

«Media workers have an important role to play in the fight against the new virus, they have to report on the spread of the disease, and several died due to lack of adequate protection measures in the exercise of their activity,» pointed out the general secretary of the NGO PEC Press Emblem Campaign, Blaise Lempen.


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