There are 8.163 people sanctioned for not using a mask in Quito

In the capital, the mandatory use of a mask has been in force since April 7, 2020 and includes a fine corresponding to a quarter of a basic salary (USD100) if the rule is breached.

The mayor of the capital issued a resolution to sanction those who do not use face masks in public spaces in the city. The rule, which has been in force since April 7, includes a fine corresponding to a quarter of a basic salary (USD 100). If there are recurrences, this is doubled.

In Quito, the control entities are in charge of verifying that the population complies with this regulation in public and private spaces as well as inside vehicles.

So far there are 8,163 people sanctioned for not using the mask, according to the Metropolitan Control Agency (AMC).

One of the most problematic areas and where the most disrespect for the use of the mask has existed is in Calderón, in the north of Quito. There were 1,834 sanctions. It is followed by the Zonal administrations of Quitumbe with 1,053 sanctions and La Delicia with 1,045 sanctions.

In the case of the other Administrations, Eugenio Espejo had 993 penalized for not using the mask; Eloy Alfaro 744; Los Chillos 481; Manuela Sáenz 982; Tumbaco 990; and La Mariscal 33.

The use of the mask has been a fundamental measure to prevent the spread of covid-19 and must be compulsorily complied with at the national level.

This Thursday 10,208 Covid-19 infections were reported in the capital. (C.D.A.)

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